Cars require routine maintenance to stay in good working condition. Certain models are prone to certain problems, and your driving style can affect fuel efficiency. Be on the lookout for warning signs to save time and money. Some of the common problems include: Check engine light, dead or discharged battery, Check air filter, and Heating and A/C leaks. If you suspect any of these issues, the best way to fix the problem is to visit your local mechanic.
Dead or discharged battery
The car battery is one of the most volatile components of a vehicle. Its shelf life is only a few years, and the battery can die faster due to a number of factors, including corrosion, disuse, and faulty connections. If your battery has a low voltage level, it may be time to replace it. If this is the case, you can easily jump start your vehicle by using a pair of jumper cables.
Check engine light
There are many reasons that your check engine light might be on. Your vehicle is likely malfunctioning, and ignoring it can make the problem worse. Eventually, this problem could cause your vehicle to break down completely. Here are a few reasons why you should take your vehicle to a mechanic. Check engine light problems are not emergencies; they are just warning signs of a potential problem. Getting the vehicle checked by a mechanic is important and will save you time and money in the long run.
Fuel-air sensors
A broken or faulty fuel-air sensor can decrease the performance of your engine and deplete its power output. Fuel-air ratio sensors are crucial to the engine’s performance and control. When the sensor fails to send the right signal, the engine runs lean or rich, and you may experience sluggish acceleration and reduced power. To diagnose a faulty air-fuel sensor, consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual or use a scan tool.
Heating and A/C leaks
The first clue that your car’s A/C system is failing is when it starts making strange noises. The compressor clutch might not be cycling on, causing your A/C system to run very hot. If you hear such noises for two weeks or more, it’s likely a problem with the air conditioning system. If you suspect the unit is leaking refrigerant, take it to a professional mechanic.
While vehicle engines are generally durable, the temperature can often exceed their optimum operating temperature. When the temperature rises above that point, it can cause damage to parts of the engine and hoses. Common causes of overheating include: driving in hot weather, leaking cooling system components, mineral deposits in the radiator, and a broken water pump or thermostat. Below are some common causes of overheating and how to resolve them.
Improper alignment
If you’ve ever wondered why your car isn’t driving straight, it might be due to improper alignment. Your steering wheel should be perfectly in the center of the car under normal circumstances. If you notice that it’s not, it’s time to get it checked. A vehicle with a misaligned wheel will not handle turns properly and may even cause a crash. To make sure that your car is properly aligned, take it to a mechanic to have it checked out.